Una lista actualizada de publicaciones científicas – es decir, estudios empíricos – sobre la flipped classroom. Todos los estudios se han llevado a cabo en el ámbito universitario y se recogen los dos primeros artículos sobre esta metodología. La recopilación está centrada en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, pero también hay algunas publicaciones de otras disciplinas o de ámbito general.
Baker, J. W. «The» classroom flip»: Using web course management tools to become the guide by the side.» Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. 2000.
Bishop, Jacob Lowell, and Matthew A Verleger. “The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research.” N.p., 2013. n.p. Print.
Cubillos, Jorge. “A Comparative Study of Hybrid versus Traditional Instruction in Foreign Languages.” NECTFL Review 60 (2007): 30–38. Print.
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. “7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms.” (2012): n. pag. Web.
Guidry, Kevin R, Jorge Cubillos, and Kathleen L. Pusecker. “The Connection Between Self-Regulated Learning and Student Success in a Hybrid Course.” Long Beach, California: N.p., 2013. Print.
Lage, Maureen J, Glenn J Platt, and Michael Treglia. “Inverting the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment.” The Journal of Economic Education 31.1 (2000): 30–43. Print.
Muldrow, Karen. “A New Approach to Language Instruction— Flipping the Classroom.” The Language Educator (2013): 28–31. Print.
Strayer, Jeremy F. “How Learning in an Inverted Classroom Influences Cooperation, Innovation and Task Orientation.” Learning Environments Research 15.2 (2012): 171–193. CrossRef. Web. 2 Nov. 2014.
Talbert, Robert. “Inverted Classroom.” Colleagues 9.1 (2012): 1–3. Print.
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