Un mensaje de Heather S. Krysty a todos los miembros  de Mastery Learning on Flipped Learning Network Ning!

On September 6, 2013, the Flipped Learning Network™ will host the first “Flip Your Classroom Day: A Global Initiative.”  On Flipped Day  — 9-6-2013 — educators across the globe will take a pledge to flip one lesson to experience Flipped Learning, with the expectation this leads to further flipped units or an entire course. For more information, visitflippedday.org

Based on a survey conducted by the Speak Up National Research Project (Fall, 2012), it is estimated that only 3% of the teachers in the U.S. know about or «do» flipped learning. Yet 27% of principals indicated their teachers wanted to try it this year!  Join the growing ranks of educators who are moving from a teacher-centered classroom to a student-centered learning environment.

Teachers can either Create or Curate a lesson on Flipped Day
While the FLN encourages teachers to create their own videos, we know many educators prefer to use others’ videos as they start to flip or to supplement their own work.  Take the pledge now!

Create — If teachers want to create their own videos, TechSmith has created a tutorial on how to make classroom screencasts. This step-by-step guide will show educators how to get started, how to identify a lesson, and organize, record, review and share their videos. Learn more with this interactive site from TechSmith.

Curate — Companies and non-profits alike have contributed to a list of lessons for teachers to select from for Flipped Day.  Browse through the list of turn-key options to see the various subjects, grade bands and relevancy. Once teachers find a lesson, they can review it, and adapt it as needed to fit their classroom.
Turn-key Lessons include:
• Project WET: Discover the Incredible Journey of Water in the Water Cycle
• Carolina Biological Supply Company: How Big is a Living Cell?
• PBS LearningMedia: Design and Build a Tangle-Free  Headphone Holder
• Sophia Learning: The Study of Density
• WGBH: Internal and External Character Conflict
•  Mackin Educational Resources: Computer Use & Policies
• eduCanon: Inference vs. Observation
• Channel One:  National Youth Orchestra Ambassadors Program
• Knowmia: What is Temperature? Or Distance Formula

Teachers — Take the pledge now to flip a lesson on Friday, Sept 6 (or any day for that matter)! Sign up using a Google form.  Let us know on the pledge form if you will flip your own lesson or use one from the list!

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